Frozen Shoulder Symptoms and Risks
Adhesive capsulitis is a painful condition known as frozen shoulder. Because of this condition, the movement of the shoulder becomes very restricted/minimal. It happens as a result of the unbearable pain caused by the ailment during any action of the shoulder.
This problem usually troubles adults aged anywhere between 40-60 years of age. It happens because of the swelling of the connective tissue around the ball and socket joint. The shoulder joint capsule (the ball and the socket)
This condition can be very troublesome. Since the pain makes it seem as if it is in a frozen state. It happens because there is minimal movement. When the mobility of the shoulder is less, the shoulder joint capsule becomes thick. This, in turn, makes it even more frozen than before.
Both males and females can suffer from a frozen shoulder. Yet, females suffer four times more often than men.
Signs and symptoms of frozen shoulder

- Stiffness of the shoulder
- Difficulty in movement
- Unbearable pain
Furthermore, the signs/symptoms of this get more prominent in the three stages. Starting with a freezing stage, followed by a frozen stage. It ends with a recovery stage. A stiff joint alone can cause unbearable discomfort for the patient. Having an immovable and painful joint is a whole story.
Stiffness stage (Freezing)
The stiffness stage is also known as the freezing stage. In this stage, the connective tissue surrounding the joint starts having inflammation. The inflammation leads to pain and difficulty in moving your shoulder. Since there is minimal movement in this stage, it is the freezing stage. This stage can last from 2 to 9 months.
Stagnant stage (Frozen)
This stage of the frozen shoulder is the stagnant stage or the frozen stage. The inflamed connective tissue and the stiff joint are prominent. Which makes it difficult for the patient to move their shoulder at all. Furthermore, it is of extreme value to note that the pain in this stage is lesser than that of the freezing stage. Hence, the term for this stage is the frozen stage. This stage can take from 4 to 12 months.
Recovery stage
The thawing stage, or the thawing stage, is the last stage. It can take from 12 to 42 months (3.5 years) for this to complete. In this stage, the shoulder starts to recover. It begins with the decrease in pain, followed by the limited mobility of the shoulder. Although it might take quite some time for full recovery, it does get recovered.
Your doctor might suggest some other treatment prospects. If in any case, your shoulder does not improve on its own over time.
Other treatment prospects for the frozen shoulder
One should only go for the other treatment prospects for a frozen shoulder if their doctor stands by it. One can also go for it if their shoulder takes way more time than expected to recover. The treatment might vary from injections, joint distentions, surgery to shoulder manipulation.
Joint distentions
In this procedure, the doctor will inject sterile water. The doctor injects the water into the Shoulder joint capsule. It increases the area surrounding the joint by stretching it with the help of sterile water. With more space available, your joint can move better as compared to before the procedure.
Shoulder manipulation
As the name suggests, there is manipulation of the shoulder joint in this procedure. In this procedure, the doctors move the shoulder by force. They do it while the patient has general anesthesia in their system. It does sound barbaric. No wonder anthropic surgeries have taken over this procedure for good. Also, there is another thing to note. With shoulder manipulation, there were risks of fractures and other surgical complications.
Risk factors for a frozen shoulder
The risk factors for a frozen shoulder vary from time to time and depend on case to case. The most common risk factors are accidental injuries and health conditions. The injuries could be something as common as tripping over a stone. As a result, you might not be able to move your shoulder. Although, when it comes to health conditions, they could be as complex as heart diseases. Some of the plausible risk factors of this disease are as follows.
- Diabetes mellitus
- Thyroid imbalance
- Cancer
- Heart conditions
To conclude, it is a painful and discomforting problem. Even though it is treatable in most cases, the pain can be very troublesome. Dr. Ortho oil is an ayurvedic pain relief oil that can help ease your discomfort to some extent. It has the goodness of 8 herbal oils. These oils are popular for their multi-facet benefits, including pain relief.
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