Joint Pain: Types, Causes and How to Ease The Discomfort
March 24, 2022Joint Pain: Understanding Types, Causes and How to Ease The Discomfort
Joint pain is a common health issue in senior citizens as well as adults. Although, anyone in any age group can fall prey to this discomfort. Various studies show that it tends to be much more prevalent in females than males. Yes, obesity also happens to be one of the underlying causes for joint pain but not as much as we might have thought.
The difference being 4.3%, it would be wrong to say that only obese people are at the risk of suffering from joint pain.
Is your pain only restricted to some areas of the body, or is it widespread? Do you have any other signs of infirmity along with the pain? Answering these questions before going further is vital. It will help you understand whether you need to rest or seek suitable joint pain treatment under the care of a professional instantly. There could be numerous causes and types of joint pain. Let us help you understand them.
Types and causes of joint pain
There are numerous types of joint pain. Most of which are a result of severe health ailments. Some of the most general causes of the said discomfort are; growing age, overweight, accidents, and chemical imbalance in the body.
Injuries and viral infections
Mostly, people who complain of joint discomfort have either been in an accident or sprained their body parts in one way or the other. In some cases, people also expose themselves to viral infections unknowingly, which results in joint pain. When you are involved in an accident that might have ended with a significant injury or just a solid hit on any of your bones, it could cause pain in their bones or joints in the long run.
Tendinitis is an ailment that occurs because of the swelling of the tendons of the muscles. It causes joint pain. Usually, people who suffer from this are either have a wrong body posture or are used to straining their muscles. Golfer’s elbow, runner’s knee, and swimmer’s shoulder are some of the common names given to this ailment because of its versatility. When any muscle is used for too long and is exhausted, its tendons could swell in response, thus causing pain in the nearby joints.
Easing the discomfort of the knee and joint pain in men and women
Easing the discomfort of joint pain is not that difficult. No matter how painful it is, there are always ways and methods to relieve the pain to some extent. There are various types of medication, topical agents, and physical therapy methods available nowadays that will help you to alleviate your knee pain. If you can’t make life smooth, you can at least try making the journey a bit bearable, Right?
There are joint pain relief capsules and supplements available in the market which could be of help. Most people get prescriptions for anti-inflammatory drugs to lessen their pain. Some even use ayurvedic pain relief tablets that are available on the market. These ayurvedic remedies have helped people ease their knee joint pain to much greater extents. Medication can only help soothe your pain.
Topical agents
Ayurvedic pain relief oil, creams, and ointments are topical agents that assist in soothing joint pains. These topical agents are readily available in the market and are easily accessible. Dr. Ortho provides a variety of ranges for these topical agents. Along with topical agents, they also have a range of orthopaedic products that ease pain associated with bones. One of the best ayurvedic pain relief oil is Dr. Ortho oil for knee and joint pain.
Physical therapy
To soothe your hurting joints and muscles, you can go for physical therapy. Taking physical therapy under a certified physician will help you strengthen your muscles, ease your joint pain and live a more relaxed life.
You can take the heat and cold treatment, radiation therapy, ultrasound, or electrical nerve stimulation and manipulation. These treatments should be administered by a certified physician and monitored strictly. Being overweight could also hinder your recovery. Hence, everyone must stay fit to relieve the exertion on their joints and avoid knee pain at all costs.
Dr. Ortho has a product range of orthopaedic sprays, capsules, and oils that assist their users in easing their joint and knee pain. We understand that most of the population suffers from this discomfort. We aim to help people with our products. Our ayurvedic oil for joint pain is one of our best products.
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