Effects of the Poor Posture on the Back

Effects of the Poor Posture on the Back & How a Posture Corrector can Help in Back Pain?

Well, long sitting hours can pave the way for back pain and stiffness. And it can aggravate if you are consistently in the wrong posture. Yes, you read it right, a wrong posture for the prolonged sitting duration can later cause problems to your back. So, better to be cautious about it.

How to deal with it? Try avoiding long hours of sitting, but sometimes it is not possible, right? If your answer is a yes, it prominently becomes crucial to keep body posture in check while working for hours.

A perfectly maintained posture not only helps you with back pain relief but also boosts your productivity at work. So, there is no point to lack in it. Now, you might be thinking how could it be possible to sit straight and keep your neck, back and shoulder aligned for such a long period?

Worry not! Orthopaedically designed Posture Corrector can help with it.

Have you ever heard about Posture Corrector? Whatever your answer is be it a yes or a no, today, we will discuss this Posture corrector brace.

Why does prolonged sitting cause back pain?

Many people experience pain and discomfort in the upper and lower back region while sitting for several hours and remain busy with their screens. This is a major cause of back pain as you tend to either slouch forward too much or lean too far back while sitting for long hours. Sitting this way increases stress on the back, neck, arms and legs while also adding tremendous pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs.

So, it is important to prioritize posture improvement for back pain relief, and the easiest and most convenient way to do so is by using a posture corrector.

What is a posture corrector, and how will it help with back pain relief?

A posture corrector is a type of back brace designed to address muscle imbalances and spine misalignment that arise after spending long hours in unhealthy, fixed positions. It is a corset-like, wearable device that helps you maintain a healthy posture.

Apart from helping with back pain relief and muscle imbalances, it also helps -

  • Activate the muscles that haven't worked enough and give them a guide regarding where they need to be.
  • And whenever you start to slouch, the posture corrector lets you know that you are in the wrong position so that you can correct yourself.
  • They unload the weight from your back and transfer it to the abdomen. This reduces the load and pressure from spinal structures.

Thus, a posture corrector can be a great addition to your sitting. But knowing how to buy the correct product for yourself is equally important.

Your guide for buying a correct posture corrector for back pain relief.

Any corrector will be beneficial only if you purchase the right one and wear it correctly. While buying one for yourself, make sure to keep the following pointers in your mind-

  • The corrector should target specific body parts- The junction where the neck and upper back meet (cervical thoracic junction), shoulder, and lumbar spine.
  • The material must feel good on your skin and shouldn't cause any kind of irritation.
  • Choose the ones which have Velcro as they are easier to wear.
  • No matter what, it should be comfortable for you.

Dr. Ortho Posture corrector for back pain relief

With so many things to keep in mind while purchasing a posture corrector, choosing the right one for you can get difficult. For them, Dr. Ortho posture corrector can be a great pick. Made with top quality PU Foam and polyester fabric, this posture corrector is easy to use and effective for back pain relief while also promoting good posture. It has a sleek design and comes with an adjustable belt, making it a comfortable fit to be worn. It has been designed by keeping comfort and effectiveness as the top priority.

Wearing a posture corrector for a few hours a day along with performing a few postures specific exercises and maintaining better posture, in general, will help with your overall well-being. However, if your back pain is much more severe, it would be better to visit a specialist.


Q. How does the posture corrector work?

Ans. As the name suggests, Posture correctors promote good back posture by pulling your back muscles into their natural position and making them stay that way. They are designed in a way so that they can keep your back in an upright position to prevent slouching.

Q. Can I use a posture corrector inside clothes? Can it be hidden?

Ans. Generally, posture correctors are made in a sleek design so they can be a comfortable fit to be worn under clothes. Posture corrector belts are designed by keeping users’ comfort in mind so that they can be comfortable to wear during daily activities.

Q. Why do we use a posture corrector?

Ans. The main aim of a posture corrector is to help maintain proper posture throughout the day. It also helps to reduce neck and back strains.

Q. Where can I get a posture corrector for daily use?

Ans. You can either order it online from any medical e-commerce store or look for it in your local pharmaceutical shops.

Q. What is the benefit of using a posture corrector?

Ans. A posture Corrector works best to manage back pain. It keeps the neck, shoulder, and back straight by lightly applying pressure on the muscles to keep them in place. If worn during exercise for which maintaining a right posture is necessary, it can help strengthen your muscles that support the spine.

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