Shoulder Pain Reasons and Ways to Reduce It

Shoulder Pain Reasons and Ways to Reduce It

Like any other joints in our body, the shoulders too play an essential function in helping us go on with our day-to-day activities, with the smallest of activities like- picking or throwing something. Even though a joint, our shoulder is not just a juncture of two or more bones. Instead, it is a complex structure involving various muscles and tendons. Therefore, with so many complexities and workloads, it is only normal for it to experience pain. There can be various shoulder pain reasons, hence, to give it proper care, you must know the reason behind the pain.

So, let's look at everything we need to know about shoulder pain.

Structure of the shoulder

As mentioned earlier, our shoulder is one of our body's largest and most complex joints. When the upper arm bone or humerus fits into the shoulder blade (scapula), like a ball and socket the shoulder joint is formed. Apart from these, other key structures in the shoulder include- the collarbone (clavicle), a network of muscles and tendons, also known as the rotator cuff, deltoid (strongest muscle of the shoulder) and others.

Functions of shoulder

The muscles in the shoulder come together to help us with several of our daily actions, making it one of the most movable joints in the human body. It includes-

  • Upward and Downward rotation of your arms
  • Moving your arms up, down, backward & forward
  • Bend or rotate your arms
  • Performing a throwing movement

Shoulder pain- What is it?

Experiencing physical discomfort in your shoulder, including the joint, muscles, tendons or ligaments that support the shoulder joint is known as shoulder pain. Being one of the most mobile joints of the human body makes it more vulnerable to injury. Most of the time pain only affects a small area of the shoulder that too for a relatively shorter period. But few out of those times, the pain can be a part of a long-term condition.

Shoulder pain reasons and causes

There can be several possible reasons why you might be experiencing pain in your shoulder, such as-

  • The muscle and tendons around your shoulder experience any sort of damage.
  • Shoulder dislocation
  • Overuse of shoulder muscles
  • Injury leading to abnormal shoulder movement
  • Broken bone
  • Frozen shoulder in which the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the shoulder become stiff, making any movement painful.
  • Inflammation of one or more joints
  • Bursitis- Inflammation in the bursa (fluid-filled sac) that works to protect the joint

Sometimes, a few medical conditions (heart attack) or injuries (spinal cord injuries) can also be one of the major shoulder pain reasons.

Symptoms of shoulder pain

Common signs and symptoms that one might experience in shoulder pain are-

  • Experiencing warmth or redness in the shoulder
  • A mild, dull ache that builds to sharp, sudden pain
  • Limited range of motion
  • Stiffened and weakened muscles
  • Pain that extends to your arm, neck or back
  • Encountering a clicking, popping or grinding sensation while moving your arm

What does help in relieving shoulder pain?

If your shoulder pain is of mild intensity, caused due to a minor accident or overuse, then it can be managed easily at home with a few basic care tricks and remedies.

Trying the "Ice & Heat" method - For a fresh injury, try using ice (towel-wrapped ice) to reduce swelling, which causes pain. After the swelling reduces, apply heat (using a heating pad or warm shower) to relax muscles and soothe stiffened joints.

Pain relieving medications- Using OTC (Over-the-counter), anti-inflammatory pain-relieving medications can be useful to get relief from pain. You can even use any pain-reliever spray for quick relief.

Massage- Give yourself or take the help of another person to get a massage to your painful shoulders. Put a tennis ball inside a sock and place it between your shoulders and a wall. Now, slowly apply pressure and roll around. You can even use a pain-relieving oil for an extra added benefit.

Stretches- Light stretches can help relieve the pain as they will help to relieve the stress that tight muscles generally experience.

Dr. Ortho for shoulder pain

Give your home remedies extra support with Dr. Ortho's pain care range. From Dr. Ortho oil to their pain reliever spray, there is something for everyone. It also provides a range of accessories, like a cervical pillow for neck pain relief, a back-support pillow and many more. So, for joint pain relief, trust in the ayurvedic benefits of Dr. Ortho's products.


Even though home remedies and pain relief medications are great ways of easing shoulder pain, in some cases, they won't turn out to be that useful. In such a case, make sure to visit a physical therapist or a specialist for professional care.


Q. What can help to reduce shoulder pain?

Ans. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs (after a doctor's prescription) and proper rest can help ease shoulder pain. Dr. Ortho’s pain-relieving oil, capsules and spray can prove to be effective to relieve shoulder pain.

Q. Why does my shoulder hurt without an injury?

Ans. Even without suffering any injury, you can experience pain in your shoulders. The reason can be pinched nerves, or any other underlying medical conditions.

Q. When should I worry about shoulder pain?

Ans. Shoulder pain accompanied by fever, pain or swelling for two or more weeks, even after trying out home treatments need to be given professional medical care.

Q. Can we have shoulder pain for no reason?

Ans. Yes, you may experience shoulder pain even without any major reason. Sometimes poor posture for a long time can lead to pain in your shoulder area.

Q. Does stress cause shoulder pain?

Ans. Yes, stress does have an impact on your shoulders. This is because stress causes anxiety which tenses up our body. When this muscle tension continues for a long period, pain may arise in your shoulder region.

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